Fundamentals of Code Enforcement

Course Overview:

  • Principles and Best Practices of Code Enforcement
  • Property Research and Ownership
  • Legal Aspects of Code Enforcement
  • Ethics
  • Verbal Communication
  • Report Writing

Candidates must complete the course and successfully pass an examination in order to receive certification.

Course Hours:  36 Hours + minimum 75% Pass on exam = Certification in Fundamentals of Code Enforcement

Fundamentals of Code Enforcement includes:

Property Research and Ownership
Learn to understand legal descriptions, locate property, and calculate lot and building sizes. Learn to read and find key information on Plat Books. Identify various types of ownership, and deeds, and the methods of researching them.

Legal Aspects of Code Enforcement
Review the laws affecting code enforcement, from the U.S. Constitution to Chapter 162 of the Florida Statutes, including equal enforcement, right of entry, and issuance of warrants.

Examine ethical definitions, common rationalizations, dilemmas and guidelines, and establishment of an ethical work environment. Identify how day to day professionalism and ethics intersect. Gain knowledge of the ethical standards of public administration as documented in Chapter 112 of the Florida Statutes.

Principles and Best Practices of Code Enforcement
Learn code enforcement basics and how to apply to daily activities. These skills will include enforcement techniques, inspection procedures, field communications, and call handling as well as legal issues required from the initial complaint to the final hearing process.

Verbal Communication
Understand two-way communication with emphasis on listening skills and non-verbal communication; learn specific techniques for dealing with angry people and the use of verbal judo when dealing with the public.

Report Writing
Learn workplace writing strategies for different types of written code enforcement documents. Identify how to document information and prepare code enforcement documents and email with accuracy, clarity, and conciseness.